Lake of the Ozarks Council of Local Governments has a number of State and Federal planning partners we work with on a regular basis to develop regional goals and priorities in regard to economic development, transportation, disaster and recovery planning and environmental planning.
Economic Development Administration (EDA) which is a part of the Department of Commerce has provided LOCLG with a planning grant that helps LOCLG facilitate our Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC). The EDAC spends considerable time developing the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for the region. This document outlines our goals for economic growth within the region. With the help of the EDAC members LOCLG also spends time and effort into the implementation of the CEDS. Our most current CEDS 2017 can be found on the Economic Development page.
Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) works with all the regional planning commissions across the State to help facilitate transportation planning and developing priorities in several areas within the planning frame work. The frame work includes: Taking Care of the System, Safety, Economic Development, and Expansion. Locally, we have a Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) with representation from each of our four counties that bring the counties transportation needs forward and then prioritizes those projects to include in our Regional Transportation Plan. Working closely with MoDOT these projects are advanced based on the needs, funds available for the project and community input. The ultimate goal is to get those projects into the STIP for future development.