Opportunity Zones

Camden County and Laclede County Opportunity Zones  

Lake of the Ozarks Council of Local Governments is working to promote the Camden County and Laclede County Opportunity Zones with a direct marketing project that will highlight the development and investment opportunities that exist within the region.   


Lake of the Ozarks Council of Local Governments (LOCLG) is soliciting proposals from qualified contractors for the development of two (2) websites to promote the Camden County Opportunity Zone and the Laclede County Opportunity  Zones.  

Sealed bids will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 10, 2021.   

Click here to download complete Request for Proposals with details on the expectations for the project.  REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 


For additional information, please call Brian Yansen at 573-346-5692.